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Washington Mesothelioma Lawyer

Finding out that you or someone you love has mesothelioma can turn your life upside-down. You may suddenly have to deal with expensive medical care, changes in your plans for the future, and great physical pain and emotional suffering. Help for mesothelioma victims is available at Bailey & Glasser, LLP.

Our Washington mesothelioma attorneys understand what you are going through. We are here to assist you with the process of planning your future and holding those responsible for causing your cancer accountable. We can provide you with the support that you need to pursue financial compensation and move forward.

Why Choose Us?

  • We are experienced attorneys who have handled more than 3,000 asbestos-related cases and acquired over $2 billion in total settlements and verdicts for clients.
  • Your mesothelioma attorney will put you and your needs first. You will receive frequent updates from your lawyer about the status of your claim.
  • We charge on a contingency fee basis, meaning you won’t pay for our services out of pocket, whether you win or lose. You will only pay out of a settlement or judgment award won.

What Is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that forms in the mesothelial tissues, or the thin protective membrane that covers many of the internal organs. It is a rare but aggressive form of cancer with no known cure. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that an average of 3,127 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States each year.

Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos, a naturally occurring silicate mineral that was commonly used in various industries and for product manufacturing purposes until it was confirmed to be carcinogenic in 1987 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Some of the most common products that contained asbestos were construction and building materials. Examples include floor and ceiling tiles, adhesives, insulation, roofing shingles, siding, and wallboards.

Asbestos can cause mesothelioma if particles become lodged in the mesothelial tissues. Over time (mesothelioma develops over the course of 20-60+ years, on average), the embedded particles and fibers can damage the surrounding tissues enough to alter the DNA in the cells and cause cancer. The symptoms associated with mesothelioma can include a chronic dry cough, coughing up blood, trouble breathing, fatigue, chest pain and weight loss.

How Common Is Mesothelioma in Washington?

Washington has a higher mesothelioma prevalence rate than most other states in the country. From 2015 to 2019, there were 440 new cases of mesothelioma reported in Washington and 396 people who died of this cancer, according to the CDC. This placed Washington at number 10 in the country for total number of mesothelioma cases.

The top six counties in Washington with the highest numbers of mesothelioma cases within the CDC’s study period were as follows:

County Age-Adjusted Rate New Cases Deaths Population
King County 0.9 103 87 10,978,377
Snohomish County 1.2 48 26 3,997,489
Pierce County 1.1 47 38 4,389,736
Kitsap County 2.4 40 33 1,331,404
Clark County 1.1 28 25 2,370,207
Spokane County 0.9 27 30 2,527,574

The majority of patients who were diagnosed with mesothelioma in Washington were White, non-Hispanic (401) and male (339). Washington was behind California, Florida, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, New Jersey and Michigan (in ascending order) for number of mesothelioma cases in the country reported from 2015 to 2019.

Washington mesothelioma attorney

Who Is at the Highest Risk of Mesothelioma in Washington?

Anyone who gets exposed to asbestos in Washington could potentially become ill if the particles become lodged inside the body. The National Cancer Institute says that overall evidence suggests there is no safe level of asbestos exposure. However, those who face the greatest risk are people who are exposed to asbestos on a regular basis, such as those in careers where they work directly or indirectly with the toxic mineral.

People who may be at a higher risk of developing mesothelioma include:

  • Asbestos removal professionals
  • Automotive mechanics
  • Carpenters and masons
  • Construction workers
  • Contractors or laborers
  • Demolition and renovation workers
  • Electricians
  • Firefighters, other first responders and volunteers
  • Insulation installers and removers
  • Manufacturers and power plant workers
  • Military servicemembers
  • Repair and maintenance teams
  • Shipyard workers

Evidence also shows that family members of workers who are exposed to asbestos regularly face an increased risk of mesothelioma. This is due to the possibility of secondhand asbestos exposure – when those who share a household with the worker are exposed to asbestos on the worker’s skin, hair, clothes or shoes. There are federal workplace regulations in place to limit this risk, including asbestos containment standards from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, but they are not always followed.

Financial Recovery Options for Mesothelioma Victims

Pursuing financial compensation for a mesothelioma diagnosis could provide your family with the money that it needs to pay for required medical care and move forward with less financial stress. You may qualify for coverage for your hospital bills, surgeries, therapies, lost wages and other damages. Understanding your financial recovery options is important as a mesothelioma victim.

The legal options available to you may include:

  • Asbestos trust fund claim: access to protected funds provided by a bankrupt company to pay people who were exposed to asbestos by their products or their manufacturing locations. Qualifying parties may include employees of the company and consumers or the general public.
  • Mesothelioma lawsuit: a civil suit that claims one or more parties are financially responsible for the illness due to negligence. Examples include personal injury lawsuits, product liability claims, wrongful death lawsuits, class action lawsuits and multidistrict litigation lawsuits.
  • Another type of claim: financial compensation may also be available through a workers’ compensation claim, veterans claim, disability benefits claim or another source, depending on the circumstances.

The best way to proceed with legal action is by consulting with an experienced mesothelioma attorney. An attorney can carefully review your case and explain which course of action is right for you and your goals. Then, your attorney can calculate the potential value of your case to help you negotiate for a fair amount based on your losses or damages.

Request Your Free Mesothelioma Case Consultation Today

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, assistance is available at Bailey & Glasser, LLP. Our mesothelioma attorneys can help you understand your legal rights and pursue just compensation for what may be a lifetime of damages. We are committed to fighting for justice on behalf of mesothelioma victims and their families. Contact us today to learn more during a free case consultation. Call (866) 871-7971.