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Utah Mesothelioma Attorney

Discovering that you or someone you love has mesothelioma can put your life on hold. You may be faced with significant physical, emotional and financial stress. At Bailey & Glasser, LLP, we understand how devastating mesothelioma can be for victims and their families. Our mesothelioma attorneys can help provide greater peace of mind during this difficult time by explaining your legal rights and assisting you in the pursuit of fair financial compensation. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

Why Choose Us?

  • Mesothelioma victims rely on us to handle the most challenging legal issues – regionally in Utah and nationwide. We have handled over 3,000 asbestos-related cases.
  • We emphasize client communication and personalized services. Our attorneys will guide you through the legal process from start to finish.
  • Our mesothelioma attorneys accept cases on a contingency fee basis. This means you will only pay your lawyer if we win your case.

What Is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a group of minerals that was used heavily for manufacturing purposes for many years – mainly from the 1800s until the mid-1970s. If someone inhales or ingests asbestos, the particles can become lodged in the mesothelial tissues that surround many of the organs. Over time, the presence of these particles can cause enough damage to result in cancer.

Symptoms of mesothelioma can take years to appear, with an average latency period of 20-60+ years. Symptoms may include shortness of breath, chest pain, coughing, fatigue and weight loss. Treatment for mesothelioma typically involves a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The treatment options available will depend on the patient’s diagnosis, including how much – if at all – the cancer has spread or metastasized. If a patient is diagnosed with late-stage mesothelioma, his or her treatment options may be more limited.

Unfortunately, the prognosis for mesothelioma patients is generally poor. Most patients survive less than two years after the date of diagnosis, with an average life expectancy of 12 to 21 months, according to the National Library of Medicine. A patient’s required medical care, quality of life and long-term prognosis will depend on his or her specific diagnosis, age, overall health and many other factors. The best way to prevent mesothelioma is to avoid or minimize exposure to asbestos.

Mesothelioma in Utah By the Numbers

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that there were 106 new cases of mesothelioma in Utah from 2015 to 2019, along with 73 people who died of this disease. These statistics place Utah at number 36 in the country for the number of new mesothelioma cases within this time period. Salt Lake County had the highest number of mesothelioma cases in the state, with 41 new cases and 28 related deaths. Nationwide, 15,485 new cases of mesothelioma were reported by the CDC and 12,431 victims died of this type of cancer from 2015 to 2019.

utah mesothelioma attorney

Who Is Most at Risk of Being Exposed to Asbestos in Utah?

Millions of people have been exposed to asbestos in the United States over the years. However, not every person who comes into contact with asbestos will become ill. People who are most at risk of developing mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases are those who are exposed to this toxic mineral on a regular basis, according to the National Cancer Institute. This includes people with jobs where they must work directly with asbestos or in dangerous asbestos-contaminated environments.

Examples of high-risk occupations for mesothelioma include:

  • Asbestos abatement professionals
  • Asbestos miners and millers
  • Automobile mechanics
  • Builders and architects
  • Cement and brick masons
  • Construction, renovation and demolition workers
  • Drywall removers
  • Firefighters, police officers and other first responders
  • Insulation installers and removers
  • Manufacturers of asbestos textiles
  • Members of the military
  • Shipbuilders and shipyard workers

Although governmental regulations from safety organizations such as the Environmental Protection Agency and Occupational Safety and Health Administration exist to help protect workers from harmful exposure to asbestos, many employees still end up with injuries from this toxic mineral. Many employers are negligent, or fail to use a reasonable amount of care, in training their workers and providing adequate protective equipment. This increases the odds of workers being exposed to asbestos and developing mesothelioma.

Can You File a Legal Claim as a Victim of Mesothelioma?

As a victim of asbestos exposure, you may have the right to file an insurance claim or lawsuit against the parties responsible. If an individual or entity, such as an employer or product manufacturer, reasonably should have protected you from asbestos, you may have grounds to hold that party financially responsible for your medical expenses and other losses.

Your options for pursuing financial compensation could include:

  • Asbestos trust fund: many bankrupt companies established trust funds to compensate those who were exposed to asbestos by their products or locations. You may qualify for compensation from one of these trust funds as an employee or consumer.
  • Mesothelioma lawsuit: a civil claim can often be filed against one or more negligent parties for mesothelioma. Negligence is the failure to act with ordinary care, such as a manufacturer failing to warn consumers of known health risks associated with asbestos in its products.
  • Another source: you may be able to seek financial compensation for a mesothelioma diagnosis through another source, as well, such as a workers’ compensation claim or veterans claim, depending on your circumstances.

Most mesothelioma cases achieve settlements. This is an agreement between the plaintiff and an insurance company to resolve the legal dispute for a specific amount of money. However, some cases have to go to trial. An attorney can help you provide evidence and establish your case against one or more defendants to improve your chances of a successful settlement or jury verdict.

Contact Us to Discuss Your Mesothelioma Case for Free With an Attorney

Bailey & Glasser, LLP is committed to fighting for the rights of mesothelioma victims and their families. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, seek legal advice from our qualified attorneys as soon as possible. During a free case evaluation, we will listen to your story and help you understand your legal options. Then, we will assist you with every step of the legal claims process.

We have a proven track record of success in mesothelioma litigation and will fight for the case results that you deserve. Call (866) 871-7971 today to schedule a free mesothelioma case consultation.