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Vermont Mesothelioma Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another illness connected to asbestos exposure, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive cancer that can change every aspect of a victim’s life. At Bailey & Glasser, LLP, our Vermont mesothelioma attorneys can help you find justice by pursuing a claim against the responsible party or parties. This may include an employer, product manufacturer or property owner. We can help you seek the financial compensation you deserve.

Why Hire Us for This Case?

  • Our trial-focused approach to mesothelioma litigation will protect your best interests during negotiations with an insurance company or defendant.
  • We understand how mesothelioma and asbestos cases work. Our lawyers comprehend the related laws that may apply to your claim, both regionally and nationwide.
  • We work on a contingency fee basis, meaning we only charge our mesothelioma clients for legal services if we successfully recover financial compensation for their losses.

About Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that affects the mesothelium, which is a thin layer of tissue that covers many of the internal organs. Mesothelioma develops most often in the lining of the lungs, or the pleura, which is a cancer known as pleural mesothelioma. The symptoms of pleural mesothelioma can include a persistent cough, chest pain, breathing problems and chronic fatigue. Mesothelioma can also affect the lining of the abdomen, heart or testicles.

Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a group of six naturally occurring silicate minerals that are resistant to fire, heat and corrosion. Asbestos was mined heavily throughout most of the 20th century and used to manufacture a variety of consumer goods. Popular asbestos products included insulation, drywall, cement, adhesives, ceiling tiles, floor tiles, roofing materials, shingles and other building materials.

Manufacturers stopped using asbestos as an ingredient in most consumer goods by the mid-1970s when it became regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Unfortunately, asbestos remains present in millions of homes and buildings around the country today. If any asbestos-containing material in an older building is disturbed, it could release asbestos dust into the air and cause mesothelioma in anyone who is exposed.

Vermont Mesothelioma Facts and Statistics

People in Vermont who are most at risk of mesothelioma are those who live or work around asbestos regularly. According to the National Cancer Institute, while no amount of asbestos exposure is “safe,” your risk of mesothelioma grows with the amount that you are exposed to this toxic mineral. Anyone who works with asbestos-containing products or materials is at the greatest health risk.

Dangerous occupations in terms of asbestos exposure include:

  • Automotive mechanic
  • Boilermaker
  • Construction worker
  • Demolition worker
  • Electrician
  • Engineer
  • Firefighter or first responder
  • HVAC technician
  • Manufacturer
  • Mason
  • Military member
  • Pipefitter
  • Power plant worker
  • Renovator
  • Shipyard worker

The mesothelioma cancer burden in Vermont, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 2015 to 2019, places it at number 45 in the country for new cases. Vermont reported 38 new cases and 36 deaths related to mesothelioma in this time span. The majority of victims were White, non-Hispanic males.

Vermont mesothelioma attorney

What Are Your Legal Options as a Victim of Asbestos Exposure?

Filing a mesothelioma claim can enable you to hold one or more parties responsible for exposing you to asbestos and causing your disease. A successful lawsuit could bring one or more parties to justice and give you the answers that you need to move forward with your life. Holding someone responsible could also lead to the defendant taking steps to protect others from asbestos exposure in the future.

Your legal options after a mesothelioma diagnosis may include:

  • An asbestos trust fund claim: pursuing financial compensation from a trust fund that has been set up by a company as part of its restructuring for a bankruptcy filing. Asbestos trust funds were established by many product manufacturers to compensate victims after going bankrupt.
  • A lawsuit: a product liability, premises liability, wrongful death or breach of warranty lawsuit may be available to you. You could potentially name one or multiple defendants as liable parties in a lawsuit if your attorney can prove negligence or fault for your illness.
  • A veterans claim: a legal claim reserved for members of the military who were exposed to asbestos during their time in service. This includes Navy veterans who were exposed to asbestos in military ships and shipyards.

Working with an attorney can make it easier to understand all of the legal options that may be available to you or your family. Your lawyer can help you navigate the processes involved with your type of claim, including the state’s statutes of limitations and other filing requirements. Your lawyer can take care of the complicated legal process for you while you focus on the future.

How Much Is Your Case Worth?

No amount of money can make up for a mesothelioma diagnosis. This is a devastating illness that will cause irreparable harm to you and your family. However, recovering fair financial compensation could provide you with greater closure and peace of mind during a challenging time. It can give you the money you need to pay for your required medical expenses, treatments, end-of-life care, the funeral and burial of a loved one, and plan for the future without as much financial stress.

The value of your mesothelioma claim will depend on many things that are specific to your case. Case values are often calculated based on factors such as the patient’s diagnosis, long-term prognosis, age at the time of diagnosis, the insurance coverage or compensation available, and type of claim. An attorney from Bailey & Glasser, LLP can help you pursue maximum financial compensation for your past and future losses.

Contact Bailey & Glasser, LLP Today

For many years, clients have counted on Bailey & Glasser, LLP to preserve their rights and pursue just financial compensation for their losses. We have secured over $2 billion in past settlements and verdicts for our clients. We know how to handle mesothelioma cases with the dedication and attention to detail that they deserve.

If you recently received a devastating mesothelioma diagnosis, help is available. Contact us for a free case consultation, where you can tell your story and receive personalized legal advice. Call (866) 871-7971 today.